Rotarian, Mardi Plomp introduced her 2014 Dream Believer team and then provided a brief the history of this now multi-year event.
The idea of raising funds for cancer research began with Mardi's personal family experience with the disease.   

Dream Believers consisting of Willene Moffatt, Wendy Wiedenhoft, Carm Fyfe,
Joanne Bridgwater, Marj Vermeer, Marilyn Bilsbarrow joining Rotarian Mardi Plomp
In the first year 2008, Mardi  held a garden party at her home. She planned two seatings of 25 people each. One was scheduled for a 12 -1 for those who worked and the second a 1-2 pm for those retired. Of course it rained and with her husband Fred's help the event was held inside with the 50 attendees raising $1,200 for the
Cancer Society.
The next year, they rented a tent and increased the size to two settings of 75. That year too disaster struck in the form of  a serve wind and rain storm  and once again the Plomp home came to the rescue. In 2010 they took a rest to regroup. 
The Centre housed the event in 2011 while the Curling club hosted it 2012.  Finally with over 700 attendees in 2013 and 2014 the only place large enough to hold the event, now titled "Shake Your Booty" was the Arena.

With attendance now at that range the Dream Team raised a dream amount of $107,000  in 2013 and $110,000 in 2014 for cancer related diagnostic equipment at the Dryden Regional Health Centre Foundation.